Five Minute Friday – Thank You!

What’s Five Minute Friday about?
**Do you ever find yourself wishing you could add scripture to your day? What about your child’s day? And if your anything like me, your days are already totally maxed out on time.
Then you’ve come to the right place.
This blog is for that uber-busy parent who could truly benefit from a five minute Bible lesson with your child. Yes, these lessons are literally five minutes long and posted weekly.
That’s something I can get excited about.**




After prayer, read James 1:17. Discuss the meaning of this verse. I was inspired this week by an instructor in a fitness class I recently attended. She challenged us to, instead of acting squirmish and embarrassed when receiving a compliment, simply say thank you. This really gave me pause. I am so one of those who completely awkwards-up a compliment. Seriously. This week, my mind immediately went to James 1:17. Every gift I possess was given to me by the Father. This sucked the squirm right out. So I’ve been working on pointing others to the Lord during compliments, like “Thank you. God is good,” or “Thank you. It’s God’s grace.” So, today’s lesson really transcends age. You and your child can act out scenarios in which you give God the glory.

I pray that this lesson is a blessing to you and your family.

Happy Friday, and as always, happy reading!
