What’s Five Minute Friday about?
**Do you ever find yourself wishing you could add scripture to your day? What about your child’s day? And if your anything like me, your days are already totally maxed out on time.
Then you’ve come to the right place.
This blog is for that uber-busy parent who could truly benefit from a five-minute Bible lesson with your child. Yes, these lessons are literally five minutes long and posted weekly.
That’s something I can get excited about.**
You can begin the lesson with prayer to set the desired reverent tone. After praying, read Matthew 5:14. This reminds us that we are the lights of the world. As Christians, we want to encourage others to learn and hopefully have a personal relationship with Jesus. He gives us peace, strength, joy, and more, and we want this for others. Children can then decorate the provided postcards. It would be helpful if the pictures were of a playful and happy nature. Is there a neighbor your child could invite to church? Is there a family member who could use an encouraging letter? Your child can even put a reference to his favorite scripture in the letter. What a way to point to Christ! The letters should be simple and fun. This activity is one that you can also participate in. What an example for your children! I pray that this lesson is a blessing to you and your family.
Happy writing, and as always, happy reading!