Five Minute Friday – John 3:16

What’s Five Minute Friday about?

**Do you ever find yourself wishing you could add scripture to your day? What about your child’s day? And if your anything like me, your days are already totally maxed out on time.

Then you’ve come to the right place.

This blog is for that uber-busy parent who could truly benefit from a five-minute Bible lesson with your child. Yes, these lessons are literally five minutes long and posted weekly.

That’s something I can get excited about.**


John 3:16








Ask your child if they know John 3:16. If so, let them recite. If not, no worries. Either way, look up this verse together and explain that this is a very well-known and beloved verse in the Bible. Tell your child that as you read the verse, you can both draw a picture of what the words make you think. For example, you might draw a heart and world for “For God so loved the world.” Do this until you complete the verse. By the end, you will have gone through each word of this precious scripture with your child and in a memorable way.

Pictures can be placed in an important spot, like the refrigerator. This will be a good reminder of the meaning and lesson.

I pray that you and your child are blessed by this lesson, and especially by God’s Word.


Happy drawing, and as always, happy reading!!
