Five Minute Friday – Sing!

What’s Five Minute Friday about?

**Do you ever find yourself wishing you could add scripture to your day? What about your child’s day? And if your anything like me, your days are already totally maxed out on time.

Then you’ve come to the right place.

This blog is for that uber busy parent who could truly benefit from a five-minute Bible lesson with your child. Yes, these lessons are literally five minutes long and posted weekly.

That’s something I can get excited about.**








Read Ephesians 5:19.

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

Discuss this verse. When we sing, we are singing to God, and He expects this from us. Singing is a way for us to show we are thankful to Him. It’s also a picture of how our hearts feel about God. What are your child’s thoughts on this? I like to ask questions to get a glimpse of what’s going on in that big brain. 🙂

Now, have your child choose his or her favorite Christian song. Sing it together. You can even review the lyrics afterwards, so they know exactly what the words mean.

It is such a privilege to be able to sing to our Lord. I pray this is a wonderful experience for you and your little one(s).


Enjoy making known the melody in your heart, and as always, happy reading!




** If you would like to read more of what scriptures say about singing, this is an interesting blog post by Pastor Tom Olson.