Ten Ideas for Summer Fun

Yayyy, it’s summer!


It’s. Summer.

What am I going to do with my own mini Godzilla and Mothman? Because that is exactly what they become after about a week into summer break. Am I right?

Below are ten fun ideas to help when summer is a bit too much.


  1. Visit the library. There’s almost always something going on at the library during summer, from stories to crafts and even video game meet-ups.
  2. Camp out at the local pool. Summer in Houston is hoooottt. And if you live anywhere like I do, the pool becomes your home away from home.
  3. Learn something at a local museum. The Houston Children’s Museum even has a free family night. Check online first. Maybe yours does too.
  4. See a movie. The movie theater down the street from us has 50 cent movie deals all summer long. You may not have to pay an arm and a leg.
  5. Hang at the park. With the summer heat, you probably want to go early or late, but at least the kids can run off some energy. Is there an indoor playground in your area? It could be worth checking out.
  6. Kids love chalk and bubbles. I can seriously get at least an hour of entertainment from slapping down some chalk and bubbles in the driveway.
  7. Go to the zoo. Yes, it gets crazy hot, but we’ve got strategy. With zoo membership, we go just in the mornings and leave after lunch. We even pack a cooler to eat lunch somewhere pretty. It is so much better, you guys. You don’t have to cram everything in during one exhausting visit. You go as many times as you want. I’m not big on a lot of memberships, but this one is worth it.
  8. Have a spontaneous picnic. My kids adore picnics. Peanut butter and jellies aren’t hard, but eating them at a shaded park makes my kids feel like they’ve conquered summer.
  9. Play a game. My kids love games. Outfoxed is a family favorite around our house. We’ve found some really awesome games and puzzles at the thrift store too. More than not, they do have all their pieces. I don’t know who these families are that can keep all this stuff together, but let me just say thank you.
  10. Go on a bike ride. Again, we’re mostly talking morning or evening, but you can also find shaded trails for other times during the day. Takes tons of water and don’t expect a crazy distance from the kids. But hey, if they’re too tired to say that horrible five letter word: bored, you’ve won.