Five Minute Friday – A Tailored Lesson!

What’s Five Minute Friday about?
**Do you ever find yourself wishing you could add scripture to your day? What about your child’s day? And if your anything like me, your days are already totally maxed out on time.
Then you’ve come to the right place.
This blog is for that uber-busy parent who could truly benefit from a five minute Bible lesson with your child. Yes, these lessons are literally five minutes long and posted weekly.
That’s something I can get excited about.**






We’re going to do something a wee bit different for this Five Minute Friday. I want you to pray and choose the scripture to read with your child. Has your child been particularly afraid lately? Sad? Angry? Feeling slighted? Family trauma? Put some earnest prayer into it. To which scripture is God leading you? 

Now, after the introductory prayer, read the scripture together. You and your child can use Play-Doh to illustrate the scripture’s meaning. If the theme is thankful, maybe a robust heart. If the focus was strength, maybe a strong arm. What a way to help your child remember God’s Word!

I pray that this lesson is a blessing to you and your family.

Happy molding, and as always, happy reading!
